Thursday 9 July 2009

highbrow inanity part one.

sometimes, i wish i was this cool. courtesy of latfh

pretension is shit. a lot of the time really good things get ruined because too many smug twats like to parade around declaring how much they love that bit in that film more than you but its not as good as the book which they've read 27 times. to hit back at this i've decided to start a feature where basically i make inane comments about high culture.


french fittie gets pimped out, talks about philosophical shit with some old geezer, then gets shot for trying to break out of da game. anna karina is well fit and i'd definitely pay to have sex with her.


"you got a problem with my buddy? i'll castrate the shit out of you"

guy takes a fuckload of smack and writes about all the crazy shit he sees. i mean he seriously goes crackers.

extract (verbatim): 
'Arab rioters yip and howl, castrating, disemboweling, throw burning gasoline ... Dancing boys striptease with intestines, women stick severed genitals in their cunts, grind, bump and flick it at the man of their choice ... Religious fanatics harangue the crowd from helicopters and rain stone tablets on their heads, inscribed with meaningless messages ... Leopard Men tear people to pieces with iron claws, coughing and grunting ... Kwakiutl Cannibal Society initiates bite off noses and ears ... A Coprophage calls for a plate, shits on it and eats the shit, exclaiming "Mmmm, that's my rich substance"'

oooo mr burroughs tell me a bedtime story.


  1. No way Naked Lunch is awesome!
    Great blog none the less keep up the good work

  2. wasn't trying to diss it! does sort of come across that way in retrospect though.
